20 November 2006

Three going on thirteen!!

So earlier this week (September 2006) I needed to drop Aynslee off at a friend's house, so I could go to my annual gyn appt. As we drive the two or so miles to Andrew's house, Aynslee tells me, "Mom (not mommy, but Mom) when we get to Andrew's house, you can just let me out of the car, and I'll run up to the door and go inside all by myself, kay?" I respond after I pick up my jaw off my lap, "Aaaaa, Iiii... Honey, I can walk you up to Andrew's house." "No, mommy, I can do it all myself, kay?

So when we get there, I get out of the car and unbuckle her. She flies out of the car door over to the driveway, as she goes, she says, you stay there mommy! As she gets a bit further up the driveway, she says, "See Mom... I can do this all myself. Okay, bye bye mom! No mom you stay there!!" As she sees me go around to open Saige's door.... "Alright, alright... I'll stay here." As I watch her continue her walk up to the front door.. I wonder what happened to my little girl. She is all grown up now!! (sniff, sniff!!) She goes up and knocks (pounds) on the screen door. My friend comes to the door, and asks if Saige is asleep. I respond, "No, Aynslee wanted to come to your door all by herself!"

Every time i think about it, I just shake my head... and say it can't be, she's only THREE!!

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