16 July 2006


YUM... YUM..... YUM..... YUM....

Costco has one of the most sinfully delicious items in the world right now...


If you've never had this absolutely delicious chocolate hazelnut spread you have to run, not walk, I mean RUN to Costco, and buy some before it's sold out. I assumed everyone has eaten Nutella, but my husband had not (maybe it's only girls who know about it!?!?!?). When he admitted that I tried to convince him it tasted like vegamite (funky tasting paste/spread from down under), but he didn't buy it. Now I have to share it with him. :( Good thing we got ours at Costco, so there are TWO containers. It's really dangerous stuff to keep in the house if you like chocolate.... it's one of those items that belong in the category of foods that are better than sex!

People ask me what I like to eat it on... I say my favorite thing to eat it on is a spoon!! ;)

Can you tell I just opened my first jar of it, and now I"m on my "Nutella" high after feasting on several spoonfuls of it?!? I promise I stopped before the jar was empty!!! ;)

BTW, you can get this delightful item at Cost Plus World Market and some grocery stores, but not at Costco prices. I don't usually buy it because it's expensive, and I can eat it way too fast and way too often! ;)

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